
Monitor Space Hazards roadmap

The Monitor Space Hazards roadmap shows what we’re working on currently and what we will be working on in the future.

This roadmap is a guide and not exhaustive, with some things subject to change with dependencies outside of our control affecting timelines. 

Additional detail will be added as output becomes clearer following research and definition.

Updated: June 2024


  • Renaming and launching Monitor Space Hazards as part of NSpOC warning and protection services, updating DNS and all interfaces/channels to reflect new naming and provide links and access to information from the Met Office Space Weather Operations Centre (MOSWOC)

  • Design and development of the Track Re-entry Events service, enabling monitoring for re-entries using Trajectory and Impact Prediction (TIP) messages and enhanced re-entry alert service with Orbital Analyst reports on high interest objects

  • Develop a conjunction alert service that provides information and alerts on high risk conjunction events to approved government users


  • Develop our Track UK Satellite Activity service MVP to support the CAA in its satellite orbital licence monitoring and regulatory work, tracking satellite position changes and manoeuvres 

  • Iterations and further enhancement on the re-entry alert service to include additional areas of interest and added functionality for government users

  • Undertake an alpha into digitising fragmentation alerts for users

Further out

  • Enhancement of Track UK satellite activity service to integrate with CAA UK licensed satellites database and provide evaluation of manoeuvre flags

  • Provide event and performance information by organisation for data analysis

  • Provide additional monitoring and performance information on space environment statistics page to reflect new services and additional metrics around debris vs debris CDMs

  • Progressive enhancement of user interface enabling filtering for conjunctions and re-entries, including hiding 0% PoC events and alerts for GEO operators

  • Incorporate UK CDMs and ephemeris data

  • Provide a Contacting Other Operators feature to enable timely communications around conjunctions between operators 

  • Conduct a discovery into options for academic and public facing interfaces